Thursday, December 6, 2007

Arizona's Petrified Forrest National Park

We traveled to The Petrified National Forrest this week. We went there several years ago, but we wanted to spend more time seeing everything. Of course when we arrived the weather was windy and cold. So that meant (wimps that we are) we didn't see much and promised we would come back in the spring. It is still a fascinating place to visit. As with all National Parks, you drive along in perfectly normal country, then all of the sudden scenery so different and incredible pops up that you're speechless. The way petrified trees were formed 225 million years ago here was the whole area was a floodplain. Big trees got washed there and then over time silt buried them and different minerals in the silt gave the trees their color. Then they eventually became exposed as weather patterns changed.

Next week I'll be going to Alaska to spend Christmas with my son and grandson. Ed will be with his mom. I won't have a computer up there so I will tell all of my friends and family Merry Christmas and hoping everyone has a wonderful 2008! Bye for now, Vicki & Ed

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Viva Las Vegas!

Last weekend we attended my nephews' wedding to a wonderful girl named Amanda. They were married at the Mandalay Bay Hotel. Afterward, everyone got together at The Mix, which is on the top floor of the hotel. The best part was the restroom in the Mix lounge. There was little toilet closets and when you went in the whole wall was glass. So could go to the bathroom and look at a spectacular view of Las Vegas while peeing. It doesn't take much to excite me! We had a great time, but I don't need to rush right back there. Bye for now-Happy Thanksgiving all! Vicki & Ed

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Ed-the wild animal wrangler

We finally stooped to a new low for excitement here. We flush water down mole holes, then close all of them up and wait for new holes, then put poison in them. Stephanie was flooding a hole and a mole popped out. Well, it was Ed to the rescue with our rake. He chased it-prodded it and carried it on the rake to the empty field next to us and lobbed him over the fence.
The last few weeks, most of our free time has been spent with our parents. We had Ed's mom here for a few days. She could breath easier here and enjoyed the trains. But with no TV, she was happy to get home to her familiar surroundings. Also, we took a trip to Phoenix and visited with both my parents, who have been divorced and remarried for many years. The traffic there is horrible and you couldn't pay me to live in Phoenix now.
Business is very slow now, but there is alot to do. The work campers last summer couldn't do much work because of physical and old age issues. Needless to say, the campground was overrun with weeds and a mess. We spend a few hours each day we work making a dent in a long list of things that need to be done. Ed and I enjoy the physical work though, and you can see a major improvement in the grounds already.
We are going to Las Vegas on Saturday for my nephews wedding. It's going to be at the Mandalay Bay Hotel and should be fun. I'll see if I can get a good picture and post it in my next blog. So long for now. We miss everyone! Vicki & Ed

Monday, October 15, 2007

Seligman historical trivia

We've been soaking up Route 66 trivia this week. Everyone ready for alittle history lesson? In 1886, Seligman was founded as a railway stop. Two brothers named Seligman helped finance the railway in this area, so that's how the town was named. This is a booming town of 456 people who basically live off the tourist trade.
Now for the history of Route 66. The Route 66 highway was commissioned in 1926 and stretched from Chicago, IL to Santa Monica, Ca. As time went on shorter routes and interstates were built, but people along the old Route 66 wanted to preserve it as the classic American icon for our love affair with the automobile. 17 miles east of Seligman is the start of the longest continuous stretch of the old Route 66. It goes to California. Some of the well-known names for this highway are: The Mother Road, Main Street of America and Will Rogers Highway. And of course there is the saying-"Get your kicks on Route 66".
This week there was a car show here. During the year they hold car shows, motorcycle rallies and trike rallies (three wheeled motorcycles). They had alot of cars that were reconditioned and reupholstered with beautiful tuck-and-roll leather. It was fun looking at all of them. I saw one of our old family cars and my dream car-a 1968 Chevy Camero.
Are you all still awake after this history lesson? I've got to go now and get back to my homework, so I will see you later. Bye for now, Vicki & Ed

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Train central-Seligman, AZ

We made it to Seligman, AZ on October 1st with no problems (thank God!) The campground is not as nice as Panguitch, but I feel when we work it will make a difference. Yesterday 44 RVs from Canada came in, a few at a time, and they didn't want any help. This morning, though, I went up front and helped her out because they wanted to buy alot of "Route 66" souveniors. Then we cleaned the restrooms. I think she liked the fact that Ed and I are healthy and know how to work hard. From what we've seen most workkampers are old and not in good shape. As you can see in this picture, the railroad tracks are right behind us. I found out around 80 trains come through here every day. I'm already used to them, Ed hears alot more than I do. Well, that's all for now, happy dividend day to all our Alaskan friends. Talk to you soon, Vicki & Ed

Friday, September 28, 2007

Navajo Trail

The Navajo trail in Bryce Canyon was closed all summer due to a rockslide, and was recently opened back up so we made the time to go on it. As you can see from this picture it was the best view of Bryce and we took the adjoining Peekaboo trail. That made our little trip 5 miles of very hard trail. At least I was in good enough shape that I made it up the steep paths this time!
We are just about all packed to go and will be in Seligman, AZ on October 1st. Our summer was awesome and better than our dreams. Now on to the next adventure! We love you, Vicki and Ed

Friday, September 21, 2007

Summer's last hurrah

This picture was taken at Cedar Canyon campground this week. We checked last week and this campground was going to be open for 2 more weeks. Well, after we were there for a day a camp host came by and told us that the campground would be closed the next day. So Tuesday, the next day, the maintenance guy came by to turn off the water and close the outhouse. They said we could stay there and rough it if we wanted to, so we chose to stay. That night 4 carloads of teenagers decided to park next to us and have a big campfire and do a lot of yelling and running around. To us, that was a sign to pack up and leave. So much for our last camping trip of the summer! Bye for now, Vicki and Ed

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Scroll down and read bottom first

I keep forgetting that the first blog I do actually ends up the last so go down to the first one and scroll back up please. OK, this is the next day and a different trail to an arch-bridge combination called Morning Glory Arch. This was a 4 mile round trip that was totally different. Most of it was along a creek that had poison ivy growing all along it. Of course we were wearing shorts and tank tops so we were walking through there very gingerly! We also had to cross the creek several times by small rock stepping stones. And of course it wasn't level, there was an incline of 330 feet through all this. Plus squeezing between rocks and climbing up using our hands as well as our feet. It was hard, but when you are done you can pat yourself on the back that you made it-of course then you have to go back!! Well, you guys, that's it for now. Take Care, Vicki & Ed

Here's what I'm talking about. Needless to say, it was an interesting trail. Also you can see why this one arch is called Bowtie.

Another visit to Moab

On our days off this week, we went to Moab, Utah to see the arches that we missed the first time around. We had a great time camping at the KOA there. Our KOA is nicer with grass and trees. This one has a desert setting, but it had a nice pool and we did get a shade tree!!! The first arches we saw were called Corona and Bowtie arch. The trail was 3 miles round trip and I felt like a mountain goat on some of it. It was primitive and it went over alot of rock slabs and up and down. These pictures are of one part that you had to hold on a cable and put your feet in toe holds. this other part actually had a ladder. It was worth it though. The next days trail will be part 2.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Back to Bullhead

Bullhead City was our destination this week to visit with Eds mom. When I was little we used to go to Bullhead with my Dad to see my Grandma and Grandpa. We called them Domie and Dompie and they had a mobile home there which they went to from L.A. to relax and fish. That was in the 1960's and there was only 1 casino and not much else. Now it is like a small Las Vegas and there are quite a few casinos and lots of full and part-time residences. There is even a super Walmart so you know they are big-time now. The traffic is horrible with only one main road through a very long city. Its built all along the river and is spreading into the mountains like a forest fire.

Ed's mom, Mary was doing great for being 91 yrs. old and we had a nice visit and did some shopping around. We bought a little refrigerator for our garage in our 5th wheel. It looks just like a big one but its only 4 cubic feet and weighs 80 lbs. Our garage is looking more like our house every day! Well, that's all for now.

Cedar Breaks

We finally went inside Cedar Breaks National Monument last week. After seeing Bryce it's so-so, but there was a trail (like all the Parks darn it!) to a 1600 year old bristle cone pine tree. And this is it! It looks lilke it's 1600 years old.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

A visit to Anchorage

Guess what? I made a surprise visit to Anchorage last week. For my birthday, Ed got a ticket for me using miles so I flew up on Saturday nite and came back on Thursday. I didn't get enough time to do alot of visiting, but I shocked my son (who had a panic attack because the house was a mess-which is putting it mildly) and that was fun. For any of you who don't know; Raymond is staying in our house and taking care of it for us. I spent my time playing Mom and Grandma and it was wonderful to be with my family, even for a little time.

I'm back in Utah now and its definitely starting to slow down here and its more relaxed. We are doing more sitting by the campfire and having friends over. Pretty soon it will be autumn and the leaves will be turning colors-another wonderful sight to behold. I miss everyone and hope you are all having happy lives. Bye for now-Vicki & Ed

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Here's where we camped. It is called Calf Creek State Campground. We had a great time here and we went on a 6 mile hike to a waterfall through some beautiful canyon country. I hope everyone is doing well and know that you are all in our thoughts. Bye for now, Love, Vicki & Ed

Another evil place we visited was called Hells Backbone. This was also a scenic backway (which means dirt road and you should have a high profile 4x4 vehicle). This road is 39 miles long and it used to be a mail route to Boulder. They built this bridge in 1935 for this reason over an area called Hells Backbone and its more incredible country.

Two Evil Places

We visited Esclante Staircase National Monument this week. One of the places we saw was the Devils Garden. It's on a scenic backway off of Scenic Hyway 12. There are so many unusual geological sights here that I don't know if we are going to see all of them this summer. It's going by way too fast.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Court of the Patriarchs

Here is the Zion pictures. Enjoy!

Our First Guests

Hi everyone! Well, we finally got to be tour guides this week. My mom and step-dad came to visit us this last Monday. It was great to see them and my mom had never seen this country so it was neat to take them around to all of the sights. We crammed in pretty much in 2 1/2 days. First, we went to Cedar Breaks and Brian Head ski resort. Then on Tuesday we took in Bryce Canyon National Park (where to my moms excitement, we saw some deer with a buck, and wild turkeys) Then we went to Kodachrome Basin. That's more of a desert with rock spires that are called Hoodoos. We also drove to the Hog Back on scenic route 12. that's a section of road built in 1930 for mail delivery. It cost 1 million dollars for 22 miles and a section goes on top of a ridge where you can see straight down over 1000 feet on both sides.

On Wednesday, we saw Zion National Park. The tall, sheer mountains and different formations were awesome. The tunnel connecting west and east Zion was an incredible work was engineering. It was started around 1920 and took 10 years to complete. they made shafts out the sides where they threw all the rubble. It goes a mile under a big mountain. If you close you can see one of the windows in the picture of the big red rock.

All in all, we had a great time and it went by too fast. So long for now, Vicki & Ed

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Redoing the picture of Canyonlands

Now everyone will be able to see the close up of this incredible canyon. It wouldn't get big on my other blog. Remember just click twice on a picture to enlarge it. Love, Vicki

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Dead Horse Point State Park

On our trip to the National Parks this last week we stayed at a state campground. This is right next to Canyonlands N.P. It had great views of the canyon where the Colorado River goes to meet the Green River and a unique legend about the name. It was said that some Cowboys in the late 1800's were chasing wild mustangs and they were going to corral them at this point because at one spot it is only 30 feet across and they made a barrier across to hold the horses. When they trapped the horses there they cut out the good ones and left. The leftover mustangs were left in the natural corral where they couldn't escape and they died of thirst, hence the name-Dead Horse Point. It's a really nice desert campground, the only problem was it was hot, and we were in a tent sweltering. We drove the truck on this trip and brought all our camping gear. By the 2nd day we were ready for an airconditioned hotel room with a pool, but we stuck it out and had a good time.

On another note-we are still not in danger from the wild fires here. Bye for now, Vicki & Ed P.S. this is the first of 2 blogs today.

Believe it or not-more National Parks!

Well, guess what-we went to 3 more National Parks last week. The first one was Canyonlands N.P. That's the 2 outside pictures. As you can see, it has incredible canyons and it's where the
Colorado River and Green River meet. In the first picture, if you look closely, there's a road going around the whole canyon area. It is a 100 mile 4 wheel drive vehicle road that takes 2 days to traverse. There is campgrounds and outhouses at a couple locations. You have to bring all your camping stuff and water and food to go there. Ed is dying to do it. Some of the dirt road is winding and steep and I'm a little leery about doing it. So we will see who wins that decision!
The next National Park was Arches. It was the neatest of them. We drove around a small mountain and the valley was filled with spires and buttes of red rocks, some rocks were precariously balanced on others. Off on trails and on some roads you could see all kinds of arches. This one pictured is called Delicate Arch. There was a big long arch that was made in 1991. For no reason all the rock inside it fell apart and it sounded like a big explosion. Hikers came to see what happened and there it was! This is definitely a worthwhile park to go to.
The last park was Capitol Reef N.P. This was on the way home. This is comprised of a 100 mile long red granite rock mountain wall and there is other interesting sights to see in it. There is also a historical old west town called Fruita. It's an old Mormon town and you can see some of the original buildings and there are orchards everywhere. You can pick fruit to eat right there for free and can pay to take some home. Of course, nothing was ripe yet. It was a great trip with alot of beautiful scenery. So long for now, Vicki & Ed

Sunday, July 15, 2007

A Little of This and That

Hi everyone out there. This post is going to be a catch up on all the little details of our lives. First of all, we found out where we will be this winter. In northern Arizona, there is a small town called Seligman, and we will working at a KOA campground there. It's another high desert location and the temperature in the winter averages 50-60 degrees in the day and 20-30 degrees at night. It's only 70 miles to Ed's mom's house and 175 to my parents in Phoenix. It will be the same working schedule for our full hook-up spot and other benefits.

Next, my mom and step-dad will be coming up at the end of the month to visit and we've been busily planning all the places that we want to show them.

This weekend we had a big family reunion here. There was kids and ATV's everywhere. In southern Utah there is over 3000 miles of four-wheeler trails. You can take off from our KOA and ride on the roads in town and go on marked trails to just about anywhere. There are easy ones for beginners to difficult for experienced riders.

On a personal note: My hair is driving me crazy! I have to keep it up here because of the heat and wind and to top it off, I cut my bangs too short. They look like the way my mom cut them when I was little-short and crooked! Also, it's been an uphill battle on my weight because I'm not as active as I used to be. O.K., enough whining for now! We are planning on going camping in the truck this week so we can go on some scenic dirt roads. Well, you guys, I miss you and hope everyone is hanging in there. Till next time, Vicki & Ed

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Utah's fires

I was going to talk about our trip to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon , and I will, but first I want to talk about the major fires here. I'm sure you all have been hearing about them, but I will still fill you in. Friday nite a lightning fire started up in the hills by interstate 15. With the strong winds by Saturday morning it was out of control and ended up being on both sides of the highway. It moved so fast that the highway patrol couldn't close the road fast enough and motorists actually got caught in it. Two motorcyclists stopped when the flames came close to them and the car behind them ran them over and killed them. Also, a semi-truck caught on fire but he ended up being alright. They closed the interstate for 95 miles and traffic was backed up forever and a mess. We had campers here that came Saturday and were incredibly glad to get here. The highway is back open, but the fire is 0 percent contained.

Now to the Grand Canyon-it was awesome! At first I thought it was going to be looking at it and it would be the same as the South Rim. But, there was one lookout that made it all worth while, and that's in the above picture. As you can see there's a path on top of that rock, and in the hole if you look closely, the Colorado River can be seen. The drive was pretty and went through forests and meadows and we saw a few deer. It was a wonderful time and I'm glad we decided to go. Well, that's it for now. I hope everyone had a great 4th of July. Take care everyone, Vicki & Ed

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Revisiting Bryce Canyon

Hi everyone, we finally did the whole road through Bryce Canyon N.P. It was well worth it. The road gradually winds around some spectacular scenery with frequent pull-outs and little trails to go on. I keep thinking seeing more red rocks are going to get boring, but every time I'm in awe of this country. We also went to Bullhead City, AZ to visit Ed's mom. It's getting very hot there. It was 110 degrees. Sort of like sitting in an oven and basting and baking! With the 4th of July coming on a Wednesday, our reservations are more spread out which is nice. I think this week we plan on going down the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. I've only been to the south rim and I heard the north rim is incredible, so I can't wait. That's all for now. Take care everyone and know You're all in my thoughts. Bye, Vicki & Ed

Sunday, June 24, 2007

The rest of the story

OK, here's what happened next. It was about 10 p.m. and Ed was with Bob (our boss) making the rounds on the golf cart for quiet hour. I was in the trailer thinking about going to bed. I decided to close the door, so I stepped out and when I was in mid-air, I realized the steps weren't down. So, I did a side belly flop to the ground with a big thump! I laid there waiting for everyone to rush up to see if I was OK. No one came and I said "thank God no one saw me!" I contemplated just laying there because I didn't know if I could move, but then I thought I should at least try. So with alot of moaning I got up, closed the door and went in through the back door as casually as possible. When I got in I inventoried my injuries. I ended up with 2 bruised toes on 1 foot, the other is sprained and bruised. Also, a big bruise on my hip and my elbow jabbed into my ribs so they are bruised and very sore! Good thing I'm taking alot of calcium!! Now I get to recupperate from all that excitement! Luckily, you all can't here me whine. Well, that's it for now-we miss you all and wish you the best, Vicki & Ed

Hot air balloon rally

Well, after trying to remember how to get into blogger-which I couldn't do after a half hour-Ed did it in 5 minutes-here's how our weekend went. There were two rallies this weekend; hot air balloons and the Harleydavidson bike rally. We were packed here. Alot of really nice bikers in tents and kabins, and a big RV club called Red Rock Rovers, which contained a bunch of really old folks in huge class A RV's. The baloons took off at 6:30 a.m. Friday, Sat, and Sun. We made it up to see them twice. They do it early here because that's the only time you can count on no wind. On Saturday nite they had the Baloon Glow, where about 15 balloons were inflated in the middle of Main Street at dusk. Then they have the flames light up the balloons like light bulbs. it had a fair attitude with booths of foods and trinkets. We walked down town (about 3 blocks) with our KOA bosses and it was wonderful. to be continued.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Quilt Wallk Festival

Only in Panguitch, Utah could they have a quilt walk festival! This is a celebration of a major event in Panguitch history. This took place in 1864 when a group of 7 men took a perilous journey in the middle of winter because the town was running out of food. They were going 40 miles to Parowan with wagons to get more supplies. In their weakened state they struggled, sinking in the deep snow with every step. They abandoned their wagons and continued on. They were close to giving up so they spread out their quilts and knelt down and prayed. Then they noticed that they weren't sinking. So they completed their journey by laying out the quilts and walking across them, then retrieving them and repeating the process over and over again till they got to Parowan. So every year they celebrate this event the 2nd weekend in June with a festival. You can learn to Quilt, there is an art fair, pancake breakfast, cowboy shoot-off, parade and races. Unfortunately, I missed all this excitement because I was working. (darn it!) This made Fur Rondy look like the Worlds Fair!! On a personal note, we are doing great. We have been enjoying meeting all kinds of interesting people (you can't believe the OLD guys driving some huge rigs! We almost have to help them out! I miss everyone and hope all is going great for each one of you. I really enjoy your comments-keep them coming! Love, Vicki & Ed

Catching up on blogs

Hi there everyone! The Wifi here at this KOA has been almost non-existant so I haven't been able to get a whole blog in. I finally brought the computer to the office and plugged in. I'm going to do 2 blogs today to make up for last week. Last week we took a trip to Bullhead City to visit Ed's mom. We decided to go out of our way and go on Hoover Dam. That's a terrorist threat area and security is high. They are building a bridge over the Colorado River there and it has got to be beyond incredibly expensive. We had to go through a checkpoint to go on the dam. It was uneventful and time-consuming, but it will probably be the last time we can go on the dam. In this picture you can see the start of the bridge and a huge parking garage and in the right side a brand new visitor center (where are they getting all this money?) Also, there has been a draught going on here for several years and the water in Lake Mead is down around thirty feet. Bullhead City was hot at 100 degrees, but I'm getting used to sleeping naked on top of the covers with a fan blowing on me. Well, on to the next blog!

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Scenic Hwy 12 on motorcycle

This week on one of our days off we took a 330 mile motorcycle ride. It should have been a little shorter, but Ed thought we were going one way and I though another, so I gave him directions that after awhile he realized they weren't the way he wanted to go. So we had to do a little doubling back. Other than that it was an awesome ride! The picture of the map I inserted will give you all an idea of all the things there are to see here. Basicly, we went up hwy. 89 to 24 then down scenic 12.National Scenic 12 is an "All American Road". I is so beautiful that it is considered worth driving on even if ther was nothing else to see. We made alot of stops amd took a bunch of pictures of course. For lunch, we stopped at a federal campground with lots of huge pine trees and ate MRE's. For you civilians out there that's means "meals ready to eat". it's food soldiers live on when deployed to places where there is no food. They got alot of different stuff in them and they are fun to fix. Well, that's all for this week. The temperature's getting warmer here-low 80's in the daytime and 30's at nite. I bought a geranium plant to put on owr picnic table. I had to have a plant! I miss everyone and think about you often. Take care, Vicki & Ed p.s. remember to click on picture to make it big.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Memorial weekend

We survived the holiday weekend! It was busy and one of the kabin users brought bed bugs with them from another KOA campground so that was fun. The owner, Bob took the wooden log bed out and brought it to the back of the office so he could get rid of them. He took one of those shrink-wrap heaters and blew it in the cracks of the bed. He had already put alchol in the cracks so when he did the blow-heater the bed caught on fire! You've never seen two guys move so fast to get the hose. They got the fire out, so now the bed has that stress-antique look. We had alot of campers with ATV's and a bunch of bikers that were doing a Memorial Day Run. There was alot of nice people and we enjoyed meeting everyone. This picture is of our campground on the weekend. We hope you all had a great Memorial Day. Vicki & Ed

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Continuing saga

I wanted to do another picture that shows the trail at the end. Like I said it was torture!!!

Inside Bryce Canyon

Last Monday we went camping with the motorcycle and little trailer to Bryce Canyon National Park. We were having a great time so we decided to hike on one of the trails that go into the canyon. This trail was a twisty down grade for half of it then it wound thru the canyon. The last part was the killer uphill. It went straight up with switch-backs. By the end I thought Ed was going to have to carry me (I'm serious!). My knees hurt so bad I could hardly walk. When we got back to our campground we found out that there was going to be a 30% chance of snow so we said that's it-it's time to go home. Then I took a bunch of ibuprofren and iced my knees. Two days later I feel close to back to normal. When you click on the picture it should make it larger.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Red Canyon

Well, we're on to the next stage of our retirement. Our jobs are easy and fun and we are meeting alot of really nice people-even a few from Alaska! So now we are starting to do the things that we enjoy. Yesterday we went to Bryce National Park. It is only 24 miles away. We got an annual pass for the national parks because we plan on visiting alot of them here. It was incredible. On Monday we are taking the motorcycle and little trailer to Bryce to one of the campgrounds there. There's all kinds of trails that you can walk down in the canyon. So we'll be doing that and doing some riding on the motorcycle. Ed and I don't have to be back at work until Thursday afternoon. This picture is from Red Canyon which is 12 miles away. We hope everyone who is reading this is doing good and we miss you! Bye for now, Vicki and Ed

Friday, May 11, 2007

Hello from Panguitch, Utah! We've been here for 6 days now so I've got an idea of how life is going to be here. First of all this town is small and old. There used to be a brick factory here a hundred years ago and they payed all their employees in bricks so alot of the homes are old brick houses. The big excitement here is four-wheeling. everyone has one and they can drive them on the roads. There are hundreds of miles of mapped trails for ATV's through some incredible country.
Our jobs are easy and don't take rocket scientists to do which is nice. I work in the registration office-gift store. What I do is take registrations and sign in people. Also, clean the bathrooms, vaccumm and dust the gift store and clean the laundry room. I am going to be cleaning cabins that they have here also. That might sound like alot, but I only work 5 hours a day, 4 days a week. So it's pretty easy. Ed is working outside mowing, weedeating, and other handiman stuff. I'm excited about seeing all the National Parks in the area and doing some riding around and camping. This week we are going to Bullhead City to see Ed's mom. Next week we'll go do some sightseeing.
So far so good. I'll keep you all updated. By for now, Vicki and Ed

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Well, today is Saturday, May 5th and we've made it to Salt Lake City, Utah. Panguitch was supposed to have snow today so we thought we'd hole up here. Is it summer anywhere yet? The KOA campground we are at has a hot tub, so we definitely availed ourselves to enjoy a warming soak after we arrived. Well, that's it for now. Tommorrow hopefully we'll arrive at our final destination! Talk to you soon, Vicki & Ed

Monday, April 30, 2007

Well, it's Monday, April 30th, and we're at Fort Nelson with the worst of the Alcan behind us. We went through a couple of short snow storms and saw alot of caribou and bison and alot of bumps and winding roads. And through it all the motorcycle didn't move, which was a miracle. In Fort Nelson we found a RV park (more like a parking lot) at the Bluebell Motel. At first they put us along side of the motel because we were too long for their spots. But we blew their circuit breaker with our big amperage so we had to move to a regular spot but we have to park at an angle. Oh well, life goes on! Here is a P.S. for all of you out there-Ed forgot to put everyones e-mail addresses in our laptop so we need you to send them to our regular e-mail address at So long for now, Vicki & Ed

Saturday, April 28, 2007

second day of the adventure

Well we took off at 5 am this morning from above Tok and we are in Haines Junction tonight at about 6 pm (now 7 pm). The road was horrible about 50miles from the border on the Alaska side and 50 miles of "shitty" road on the Canadian side. It took us 13 hours to travel 525 miles today. Of course we also had a giantic blowout on our right front tire in the middle of nowhere.I told Ed "I here a noise, what is it? Guess-tire flying everywhere! Ed expertly changed it and now we have no spare-oh boy! So keep your fingers crossed for us tommorrow with no spare till we find someone open and carrying our tire. The weather is beautiful here and we sat out and relaxed for awhile tonite. Also, I'm amazed we have internet here. Well, that's all for now, we will keep you updated when we can. Vicki and Ed

Friday, April 27, 2007

Hi everyone, we are just almost ready to go. I wanted to take time to thank all of my regular
customers at Village Inn Restaurant who made my job fun. You all mean alot to me and I hope
to keep in touch. When we get to Panguitch, Utah I will get back on here and let you know all
the details (hopefully their won't be too many!) Talk to you soon, Vicki and Ed

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Hi everyone! I'm just starting this blog. I'm sitting by the fire in the fireplace counting the days until the BIG day and trying to figure this out after having a couple of drinks. So far so good. That's all for now-bye.