Friday, September 7, 2007

Back to Bullhead

Bullhead City was our destination this week to visit with Eds mom. When I was little we used to go to Bullhead with my Dad to see my Grandma and Grandpa. We called them Domie and Dompie and they had a mobile home there which they went to from L.A. to relax and fish. That was in the 1960's and there was only 1 casino and not much else. Now it is like a small Las Vegas and there are quite a few casinos and lots of full and part-time residences. There is even a super Walmart so you know they are big-time now. The traffic is horrible with only one main road through a very long city. Its built all along the river and is spreading into the mountains like a forest fire.

Ed's mom, Mary was doing great for being 91 yrs. old and we had a nice visit and did some shopping around. We bought a little refrigerator for our garage in our 5th wheel. It looks just like a big one but its only 4 cubic feet and weighs 80 lbs. Our garage is looking more like our house every day! Well, that's all for now.


Mom said...

We were wondering if you were going to Bullhead this last week. Glad to hear that Mary is doing well. I am sure she really appreciates your visits with her. The Colorado Belle is looking good. Looks like it might have gotten a fresh coat of paint recently. Been so long since we were up there that I am sure it has grown a lot and added a few more Casinos.
Won't you guys be packing it up and heading on down to Seligman pretty soon? We were trying to remember the date you were to be there. Still very hot down our way....hopefully it will start to cool off a bit, soon. Love you and miss you!!! Mom

hntr said...

Heh. Yeah, it's been so long ago since I've been there... the only thing I remember is that there were only 3 casinos there, and the tallest was 3 stories!! :o)