Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Memorial weekend

We survived the holiday weekend! It was busy and one of the kabin users brought bed bugs with them from another KOA campground so that was fun. The owner, Bob took the wooden log bed out and brought it to the back of the office so he could get rid of them. He took one of those shrink-wrap heaters and blew it in the cracks of the bed. He had already put alchol in the cracks so when he did the blow-heater the bed caught on fire! You've never seen two guys move so fast to get the hose. They got the fire out, so now the bed has that stress-antique look. We had alot of campers with ATV's and a bunch of bikers that were doing a Memorial Day Run. There was alot of nice people and we enjoyed meeting everyone. This picture is of our campground on the weekend. We hope you all had a great Memorial Day. Vicki & Ed


Mom said...

Hi Princess and Ed!
Well, it sounds like you are not lacking for excitement around there. I imagine it was very busy over the holiday weekend and it's always fun to meet the people coming and going. How were the bedbugs discovered? Yuk! Glad it was taken care of ....fire withstanding. I have read where the bedbug problem is accelerating in the hotels and motels around the Country.
We had a nice quiet weekend ourselves. Just enjoying life from day to day!:) Love you very much and miss you! Mom

hntr said...

You know, if you would have shot a video of the bed mishap you could have sent it in to Americas funniest videos for $10K :o)