Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Scroll down and read bottom first

I keep forgetting that the first blog I do actually ends up the last so go down to the first one and scroll back up please. OK, this is the next day and a different trail to an arch-bridge combination called Morning Glory Arch. This was a 4 mile round trip that was totally different. Most of it was along a creek that had poison ivy growing all along it. Of course we were wearing shorts and tank tops so we were walking through there very gingerly! We also had to cross the creek several times by small rock stepping stones. And of course it wasn't level, there was an incline of 330 feet through all this. Plus squeezing between rocks and climbing up using our hands as well as our feet. It was hard, but when you are done you can pat yourself on the back that you made it-of course then you have to go back!! Well, you guys, that's it for now. Take Care, Vicki & Ed

1 comment:

Mom said...

Jeepers, but this one doesn't look too much better than the other, and from what you have written about these trails, I am glad you aren't all scrapes and bruises.
You have got to feel very proud of yourselves for having accomplished all the trail hiking that you have done while up there.
It's great that you have this blog for us to follow your time spent up there and we all thoroughly enjoy reading all about your adventures!
Love you so much