Friday, May 11, 2007

Hello from Panguitch, Utah! We've been here for 6 days now so I've got an idea of how life is going to be here. First of all this town is small and old. There used to be a brick factory here a hundred years ago and they payed all their employees in bricks so alot of the homes are old brick houses. The big excitement here is four-wheeling. everyone has one and they can drive them on the roads. There are hundreds of miles of mapped trails for ATV's through some incredible country.
Our jobs are easy and don't take rocket scientists to do which is nice. I work in the registration office-gift store. What I do is take registrations and sign in people. Also, clean the bathrooms, vaccumm and dust the gift store and clean the laundry room. I am going to be cleaning cabins that they have here also. That might sound like alot, but I only work 5 hours a day, 4 days a week. So it's pretty easy. Ed is working outside mowing, weedeating, and other handiman stuff. I'm excited about seeing all the National Parks in the area and doing some riding around and camping. This week we are going to Bullhead City to see Ed's mom. Next week we'll go do some sightseeing.
So far so good. I'll keep you all updated. By for now, Vicki and Ed


hntr said...

Hmmmmm for a Christmas Bonus did they get mortar??

It's funny the more overtime you do the harder it is to carry your pay home..

Sounds like it should be a great Summer... Perfect Motorcycle riding weather!!

Mom said...

Hi Princess & Ed,
Good to read about your adventures and work. Been having problems logging in to try to post back to you so am having to get with John for him to sort out the trouble........second time now!
Thanks for posting the great pic of you two. Bet you are looking forward to going to Bryce for some camping out this weekend. Everything is fine down our way and all going well. I got an e-mail this evening from my old classmate who, with his wife are working at Jackson Hole. I told you about them I think. Anyway, they came home to their quarters today to find a Black Bear and a Moose in their room! They had some workmen doing something in their room and guess they left their door open. Tom said that they had snow and it was cold so the animals probably came in to get warm. Said they were able to shoo them out so all went well. :)
Love you lots! Take good care of yourselves and keep the news coming! Mom