Sunday, July 15, 2007

A Little of This and That

Hi everyone out there. This post is going to be a catch up on all the little details of our lives. First of all, we found out where we will be this winter. In northern Arizona, there is a small town called Seligman, and we will working at a KOA campground there. It's another high desert location and the temperature in the winter averages 50-60 degrees in the day and 20-30 degrees at night. It's only 70 miles to Ed's mom's house and 175 to my parents in Phoenix. It will be the same working schedule for our full hook-up spot and other benefits.

Next, my mom and step-dad will be coming up at the end of the month to visit and we've been busily planning all the places that we want to show them.

This weekend we had a big family reunion here. There was kids and ATV's everywhere. In southern Utah there is over 3000 miles of four-wheeler trails. You can take off from our KOA and ride on the roads in town and go on marked trails to just about anywhere. There are easy ones for beginners to difficult for experienced riders.

On a personal note: My hair is driving me crazy! I have to keep it up here because of the heat and wind and to top it off, I cut my bangs too short. They look like the way my mom cut them when I was little-short and crooked! Also, it's been an uphill battle on my weight because I'm not as active as I used to be. O.K., enough whining for now! We are planning on going camping in the truck this week so we can go on some scenic dirt roads. Well, you guys, I miss you and hope everyone is hanging in there. Till next time, Vicki & Ed

1 comment:

Mom said...

Hi my sweet Princess.....and Ed!
We are looking forward to getting away for the few days to come up and visit with you guys! It's been since the first of Dec. since we've seen you and that's a long time in "Mom" time.:)
We should be able to see you more often during the winter mos. with you down in Seligman.
Sooooo, what happened with the bangs? Taking after your ole Mom, huh? I still don't know how I cut your bangs so crooked as they looked pretty straight when I was doing the cutting. But....they did grow again and your short cut will do the same. Just how long is your hair now? You said that you cut some off so would imagine that it is perhaps to mid-thigh in back??
We had a big clap of thunder early this AM before we got up, followed by a spurt of raindrops. Not enough to even reg. Chance of rain every day this week....somewhere in this vast Valley of the Sun...most likely over on the east side.
I would imagine that the bikers love that area with all the trails and beautiful scenery to view.
Take care of yourselves and have fun! And we'll be seeing you soon! Much love.......Mom