Thursday, May 24, 2007

Continuing saga

I wanted to do another picture that shows the trail at the end. Like I said it was torture!!!

1 comment:

Icewind said...

Hi Vicki and Ed,

Glad to see you made it.

Did you see me wave to you as you rounded the corner just past Laird Hot Springs Sunday Morning?

Charlie and I slowed down for some sheep in the road and had started again when you guys passed us. I waved and it looked like you both smiled as we went by and looked like you saw us out in the middle of nowhere.

Back to the work grind here in Anchorage and the gang says hello and that we miss you on Saturday mornings. It has not been the same since you left.

I'm glad that you are doing well and settling in now. I wrote about my trip and posted tons of pictures on my blog so if you get the chance drop by and see how ours went on the drive north.

Take care and have fun in some great scenery areas of Canyonlands. I hope it is a great summer for you and Ed.

