Thursday, June 14, 2007

Quilt Wallk Festival

Only in Panguitch, Utah could they have a quilt walk festival! This is a celebration of a major event in Panguitch history. This took place in 1864 when a group of 7 men took a perilous journey in the middle of winter because the town was running out of food. They were going 40 miles to Parowan with wagons to get more supplies. In their weakened state they struggled, sinking in the deep snow with every step. They abandoned their wagons and continued on. They were close to giving up so they spread out their quilts and knelt down and prayed. Then they noticed that they weren't sinking. So they completed their journey by laying out the quilts and walking across them, then retrieving them and repeating the process over and over again till they got to Parowan. So every year they celebrate this event the 2nd weekend in June with a festival. You can learn to Quilt, there is an art fair, pancake breakfast, cowboy shoot-off, parade and races. Unfortunately, I missed all this excitement because I was working. (darn it!) This made Fur Rondy look like the Worlds Fair!! On a personal note, we are doing great. We have been enjoying meeting all kinds of interesting people (you can't believe the OLD guys driving some huge rigs! We almost have to help them out! I miss everyone and hope all is going great for each one of you. I really enjoy your comments-keep them coming! Love, Vicki & Ed


Mom said...

Hi again!
I found this an interesting bit of history! Pretty amazing what some of our ancestors went through in these life and death situations. Bet the Quilt Fair is a fun time there with lots of small town things and events. Sorry you had to work and miss out on all the fun.
Thank you for sharing all this with us! Love you and will talk with you tomorrow......Mom

hntr said...

Wow, That is pretty interesting,I love history. With your spare time are you going to take up quilting now? :oP

The sad thing is, that I bet the Quilt Fair, looks like the worlds fair to ANYTHING we do here in Mayberry.....Umm I mean Juneau. *lol*