Sunday, June 24, 2007

The rest of the story

OK, here's what happened next. It was about 10 p.m. and Ed was with Bob (our boss) making the rounds on the golf cart for quiet hour. I was in the trailer thinking about going to bed. I decided to close the door, so I stepped out and when I was in mid-air, I realized the steps weren't down. So, I did a side belly flop to the ground with a big thump! I laid there waiting for everyone to rush up to see if I was OK. No one came and I said "thank God no one saw me!" I contemplated just laying there because I didn't know if I could move, but then I thought I should at least try. So with alot of moaning I got up, closed the door and went in through the back door as casually as possible. When I got in I inventoried my injuries. I ended up with 2 bruised toes on 1 foot, the other is sprained and bruised. Also, a big bruise on my hip and my elbow jabbed into my ribs so they are bruised and very sore! Good thing I'm taking alot of calcium!! Now I get to recupperate from all that excitement! Luckily, you all can't here me whine. Well, that's it for now-we miss you all and wish you the best, Vicki & Ed


Mom said...

Oh, oh! You didn't tell me about this when we talked yesterday! That's a high freefall from the 5th have GOT to be hurting something awful! Thank goodness no bones were broken.....holy smokes Princess, where were the steps? Do you pull them in at night? Golly, I hope those pains and aches and bruises heal very soon! Love you and miss you so .......Mom

Mom said...

After re-reading this again, I am assuming that your freefall took place AFTER you and I talked on the phone. No wonder I didn't detect anything different in your voice.....I love you dearly! Mom

hntr said...

Yeesh, hope you're feeling better. luckily you don't have to be running around carrying heavy trays while you recoup.