Thursday, August 2, 2007

Our First Guests

Hi everyone! Well, we finally got to be tour guides this week. My mom and step-dad came to visit us this last Monday. It was great to see them and my mom had never seen this country so it was neat to take them around to all of the sights. We crammed in pretty much in 2 1/2 days. First, we went to Cedar Breaks and Brian Head ski resort. Then on Tuesday we took in Bryce Canyon National Park (where to my moms excitement, we saw some deer with a buck, and wild turkeys) Then we went to Kodachrome Basin. That's more of a desert with rock spires that are called Hoodoos. We also drove to the Hog Back on scenic route 12. that's a section of road built in 1930 for mail delivery. It cost 1 million dollars for 22 miles and a section goes on top of a ridge where you can see straight down over 1000 feet on both sides.

On Wednesday, we saw Zion National Park. The tall, sheer mountains and different formations were awesome. The tunnel connecting west and east Zion was an incredible work was engineering. It was started around 1920 and took 10 years to complete. they made shafts out the sides where they threw all the rubble. It goes a mile under a big mountain. If you close you can see one of the windows in the picture of the big red rock.

All in all, we had a great time and it went by too fast. So long for now, Vicki & Ed


Mom said...

Jeepers, you got this post up fast! Yes indeed, our trip up there went all too fast, but it was just the most fun and we're still talking about all the glorious sights you guys took us to see. So much beauty to lock into our memories, and we thank you for showing us so many of the wonders of Utah.
Yes, I do love all the animals and it is a thrill for me to see them in their natural habitats.
And the best was seeing you again after all these many months. We love you so very much! You guys were terrific hosts! Mom & Jack

hntr said...

Wow, it's good to see you didn't run Mom and Jack ragged while they were there. :oP

Hmmmmm were the Wild Turkeys out running amok, or in the 5th wheels liquor storage?? *lol*

As Usual your pictures are great, and your historical information, is way better than some ol grisley old guy on a speaker standing up in the front of a rickety old school bus.

I wouldn't mind seeing the stuff there, but it just needs to be 50 degrees cooler.