Saturday, May 19, 2007

Red Canyon

Well, we're on to the next stage of our retirement. Our jobs are easy and fun and we are meeting alot of really nice people-even a few from Alaska! So now we are starting to do the things that we enjoy. Yesterday we went to Bryce National Park. It is only 24 miles away. We got an annual pass for the national parks because we plan on visiting alot of them here. It was incredible. On Monday we are taking the motorcycle and little trailer to Bryce to one of the campgrounds there. There's all kinds of trails that you can walk down in the canyon. So we'll be doing that and doing some riding on the motorcycle. Ed and I don't have to be back at work until Thursday afternoon. This picture is from Red Canyon which is 12 miles away. We hope everyone who is reading this is doing good and we miss you! Bye for now, Vicki and Ed