Thursday, June 14, 2007

Catching up on blogs

Hi there everyone! The Wifi here at this KOA has been almost non-existant so I haven't been able to get a whole blog in. I finally brought the computer to the office and plugged in. I'm going to do 2 blogs today to make up for last week. Last week we took a trip to Bullhead City to visit Ed's mom. We decided to go out of our way and go on Hoover Dam. That's a terrorist threat area and security is high. They are building a bridge over the Colorado River there and it has got to be beyond incredibly expensive. We had to go through a checkpoint to go on the dam. It was uneventful and time-consuming, but it will probably be the last time we can go on the dam. In this picture you can see the start of the bridge and a huge parking garage and in the right side a brand new visitor center (where are they getting all this money?) Also, there has been a draught going on here for several years and the water in Lake Mead is down around thirty feet. Bullhead City was hot at 100 degrees, but I'm getting used to sleeping naked on top of the covers with a fan blowing on me. Well, on to the next blog!


Mom said...

Hi Princess and Ed!
Sorry that I was out and missed your phone call this AM, but will stay home tomorrow as Jack said you will call again.
The water level IS very low at the Dam isn't it! Can't believe all the building going on and of course the new bridge. It's been several years since we have been through the Dam area.
The money?? Welllll, how about the American taxpayers! :)
Love you so much! Mom

hntr said...

Uuuuuugh.. Vick.. Now you've done it. Don't get mom started on politics, or she won't finish till you guys are ready to pack up and close the campground down for the season.

Did you drive the truck or take the bike and trailer?