Sunday, July 1, 2007

Revisiting Bryce Canyon

Hi everyone, we finally did the whole road through Bryce Canyon N.P. It was well worth it. The road gradually winds around some spectacular scenery with frequent pull-outs and little trails to go on. I keep thinking seeing more red rocks are going to get boring, but every time I'm in awe of this country. We also went to Bullhead City, AZ to visit Ed's mom. It's getting very hot there. It was 110 degrees. Sort of like sitting in an oven and basting and baking! With the 4th of July coming on a Wednesday, our reservations are more spread out which is nice. I think this week we plan on going down the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. I've only been to the south rim and I heard the north rim is incredible, so I can't wait. That's all for now. Take care everyone and know You're all in my thoughts. Bye, Vicki & Ed


Mom said...

You guys are seeing some really gorgeous country Princess. I am loving the pics you post and am anxious to see some of that beauty when we come up at the end of this month! Hope Ed's Mom is doing ok. I'm sure she is happy to have you close enough to visit now. We have also heard that the North Rim is more spectacular than the South, so hope that you will get a pic or two to post when you get back from there. We love you dearly.......Mom

hntr said...

Everything looks beautiful, EXCEPT the 110F temps at Bullhead.. Then I was showing Carla the Average temps there for the week, and it looked like a cold front was going through at a high of only 106F..

But what I couldn't believe, was Lake Havasu getting up to 127, 128 tomorrow and the next day!! Holy Cow!! I've NEVER seen it get that hot there..

Hope you're poor bruised and battered body is feeling better!!

Keep taking great pictures!! Cause we're not ever going there till it cools bigtime *lol*

I think maybe when Mom comes you should probably either put up a safety net under the steps or rig up a safety harness!! Just incase of course!! *lol* :o)

We Love you too!!