Monday, April 30, 2007

Well, it's Monday, April 30th, and we're at Fort Nelson with the worst of the Alcan behind us. We went through a couple of short snow storms and saw alot of caribou and bison and alot of bumps and winding roads. And through it all the motorcycle didn't move, which was a miracle. In Fort Nelson we found a RV park (more like a parking lot) at the Bluebell Motel. At first they put us along side of the motel because we were too long for their spots. But we blew their circuit breaker with our big amperage so we had to move to a regular spot but we have to park at an angle. Oh well, life goes on! Here is a P.S. for all of you out there-Ed forgot to put everyones e-mail addresses in our laptop so we need you to send them to our regular e-mail address at So long for now, Vicki & Ed


Rawhide375 said...

High Ed & Vicki, Glad to here you got out of town alright.
I will send our Email address to you like requested just N case ya don't have. Steve Bryant stopped by this afternoon and picked up an application. guess he cant handle retirement. Wish you two the best.
Bob & Cyndi

Mom said...

Always relieved to hear from you and know that all is ok. Guess it's going to get some getting used to driving that huge 5th Wheel! Glad you're settled in for another night. Will send our e-mail address to you now. Hoping for smooth sailing the rest of the trip! Much love, Mom

Mom said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY YOU TWO! Thinking of you and hoping your trip is going well! Much love....Mom & Jack

hntr said...

ACK!! Happy Belated Anniversary!! May only bugs you have cream for bite you two this summer!!

John, Carla and Rufus!!

On a Side note...

Mom, your slipping, your supposed to remind me of these things!! :oP