Sunday, June 3, 2007

Scenic Hwy 12 on motorcycle

This week on one of our days off we took a 330 mile motorcycle ride. It should have been a little shorter, but Ed thought we were going one way and I though another, so I gave him directions that after awhile he realized they weren't the way he wanted to go. So we had to do a little doubling back. Other than that it was an awesome ride! The picture of the map I inserted will give you all an idea of all the things there are to see here. Basicly, we went up hwy. 89 to 24 then down scenic 12.National Scenic 12 is an "All American Road". I is so beautiful that it is considered worth driving on even if ther was nothing else to see. We made alot of stops amd took a bunch of pictures of course. For lunch, we stopped at a federal campground with lots of huge pine trees and ate MRE's. For you civilians out there that's means "meals ready to eat". it's food soldiers live on when deployed to places where there is no food. They got alot of different stuff in them and they are fun to fix. Well, that's all for this week. The temperature's getting warmer here-low 80's in the daytime and 30's at nite. I bought a geranium plant to put on owr picnic table. I had to have a plant! I miss everyone and think about you often. Take care, Vicki & Ed p.s. remember to click on picture to make it big.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Hi Princess and Ed!
That was quite some ride you guys took! I know that you're down in Bullhead today and tomorrow and hope Ed's Mom is doing well. I called Raymond last week but he didn't have our little man with him so we set it up for tomorrow, Tues., to phone them at 9AM their time. Am looking forward to talking with little Ray. We hooked up with John and Carla tonight and got to see their new addition, Millie. Rufus was following her everywhere she went to make sure she didn't pick up any of his toys. They are going to have a time with the two doggies till they get used to one another. They both are beautiful dogs. It was 109 here this afternoon. Your weather sounds so good to us. Take care of yourselves and please continue to keep up the posts to update us on all you are doing. Love you so much! Mom