Sunday, July 22, 2007

Dead Horse Point State Park

On our trip to the National Parks this last week we stayed at a state campground. This is right next to Canyonlands N.P. It had great views of the canyon where the Colorado River goes to meet the Green River and a unique legend about the name. It was said that some Cowboys in the late 1800's were chasing wild mustangs and they were going to corral them at this point because at one spot it is only 30 feet across and they made a barrier across to hold the horses. When they trapped the horses there they cut out the good ones and left. The leftover mustangs were left in the natural corral where they couldn't escape and they died of thirst, hence the name-Dead Horse Point. It's a really nice desert campground, the only problem was it was hot, and we were in a tent sweltering. We drove the truck on this trip and brought all our camping gear. By the 2nd day we were ready for an airconditioned hotel room with a pool, but we stuck it out and had a good time.

On another note-we are still not in danger from the wild fires here. Bye for now, Vicki & Ed P.S. this is the first of 2 blogs today.


Mom said...

Hi Princess & Ed!
Just read both posts and how very interesting it all is. I can't believe there is so much to see up in that area of our beautiful Country. Without question, you two are making the most of your time up there and we're really enjoying all the pictures too. It does look quite hot there and all the red vista compounds the hot look. Hope it cools off a little by next week when we get up there.....we've got enought of the "hot" down here these days and there's more humidity in the air which doesn't help. The wind is blowing now and trying to bring in something....not sure if it will be just dust or possibly a bit of the wet stuff, which we badly need.
Love you lots and we'll be seeing you both soon! Mom

Icewind said...

Hi Guys,

News from the far north . . .we are still in the last days of summer with temps in the 65-72 degree range with partly cloudy days.

Fishing has been great and the silvers are starting to run as well as the second run of reds on the Kenai.

I like your Dead Horse Point picture. I spent a couple of weeks there in the late 70's flying my hang glider off the rock there at the end of the point overlooking the curve of the river. We flew towards the pot ash ponds landing by the road below.

The bad problem was the almost 5 hour ride to get from the top to the bottom for our driver who picked us up and the return to our campsite at the end of the day. It was a great time but long days.

The Saturday crew misses you and everyone says hello.
