Saturday, August 25, 2007

A visit to Anchorage

Guess what? I made a surprise visit to Anchorage last week. For my birthday, Ed got a ticket for me using miles so I flew up on Saturday nite and came back on Thursday. I didn't get enough time to do alot of visiting, but I shocked my son (who had a panic attack because the house was a mess-which is putting it mildly) and that was fun. For any of you who don't know; Raymond is staying in our house and taking care of it for us. I spent my time playing Mom and Grandma and it was wonderful to be with my family, even for a little time.

I'm back in Utah now and its definitely starting to slow down here and its more relaxed. We are doing more sitting by the campfire and having friends over. Pretty soon it will be autumn and the leaves will be turning colors-another wonderful sight to behold. I miss everyone and hope you are all having happy lives. Bye for now-Vicki & Ed


hntr said...

Dang... No pictures of the look on Raymonds face??? Then the look of hope as in I hope Mom came here to work first and not the house!! *lol*

Glad you had a good time..

Love ya!!

John and the Gang

Mom said...

Just on IM with John and he told me you had posted to your blog so came by to take a peek. I absolutely love the pic of you and little man! I'm with John....wish you had a pic of Raymond's face when he saw you. Can only imagine what rushed through his mind at that moment. We're so glad to were able to go home even for just the four days and spend some good quality time with Raymond and little Ray.
Nice to hear that work has slowed down some and you have more layback time. I am sure when the leaves start changing there it will be a beautiful sight.
Love you much! Mom