Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Memorial weekend

We survived the holiday weekend! It was busy and one of the kabin users brought bed bugs with them from another KOA campground so that was fun. The owner, Bob took the wooden log bed out and brought it to the back of the office so he could get rid of them. He took one of those shrink-wrap heaters and blew it in the cracks of the bed. He had already put alchol in the cracks so when he did the blow-heater the bed caught on fire! You've never seen two guys move so fast to get the hose. They got the fire out, so now the bed has that stress-antique look. We had alot of campers with ATV's and a bunch of bikers that were doing a Memorial Day Run. There was alot of nice people and we enjoyed meeting everyone. This picture is of our campground on the weekend. We hope you all had a great Memorial Day. Vicki & Ed

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Continuing saga

I wanted to do another picture that shows the trail at the end. Like I said it was torture!!!

Inside Bryce Canyon

Last Monday we went camping with the motorcycle and little trailer to Bryce Canyon National Park. We were having a great time so we decided to hike on one of the trails that go into the canyon. This trail was a twisty down grade for half of it then it wound thru the canyon. The last part was the killer uphill. It went straight up with switch-backs. By the end I thought Ed was going to have to carry me (I'm serious!). My knees hurt so bad I could hardly walk. When we got back to our campground we found out that there was going to be a 30% chance of snow so we said that's it-it's time to go home. Then I took a bunch of ibuprofren and iced my knees. Two days later I feel close to back to normal. When you click on the picture it should make it larger.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Red Canyon

Well, we're on to the next stage of our retirement. Our jobs are easy and fun and we are meeting alot of really nice people-even a few from Alaska! So now we are starting to do the things that we enjoy. Yesterday we went to Bryce National Park. It is only 24 miles away. We got an annual pass for the national parks because we plan on visiting alot of them here. It was incredible. On Monday we are taking the motorcycle and little trailer to Bryce to one of the campgrounds there. There's all kinds of trails that you can walk down in the canyon. So we'll be doing that and doing some riding on the motorcycle. Ed and I don't have to be back at work until Thursday afternoon. This picture is from Red Canyon which is 12 miles away. We hope everyone who is reading this is doing good and we miss you! Bye for now, Vicki and Ed

Friday, May 11, 2007

Hello from Panguitch, Utah! We've been here for 6 days now so I've got an idea of how life is going to be here. First of all this town is small and old. There used to be a brick factory here a hundred years ago and they payed all their employees in bricks so alot of the homes are old brick houses. The big excitement here is four-wheeling. everyone has one and they can drive them on the roads. There are hundreds of miles of mapped trails for ATV's through some incredible country.
Our jobs are easy and don't take rocket scientists to do which is nice. I work in the registration office-gift store. What I do is take registrations and sign in people. Also, clean the bathrooms, vaccumm and dust the gift store and clean the laundry room. I am going to be cleaning cabins that they have here also. That might sound like alot, but I only work 5 hours a day, 4 days a week. So it's pretty easy. Ed is working outside mowing, weedeating, and other handiman stuff. I'm excited about seeing all the National Parks in the area and doing some riding around and camping. This week we are going to Bullhead City to see Ed's mom. Next week we'll go do some sightseeing.
So far so good. I'll keep you all updated. By for now, Vicki and Ed

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Well, today is Saturday, May 5th and we've made it to Salt Lake City, Utah. Panguitch was supposed to have snow today so we thought we'd hole up here. Is it summer anywhere yet? The KOA campground we are at has a hot tub, so we definitely availed ourselves to enjoy a warming soak after we arrived. Well, that's it for now. Tommorrow hopefully we'll arrive at our final destination! Talk to you soon, Vicki & Ed