Sunday, June 24, 2007

The rest of the story

OK, here's what happened next. It was about 10 p.m. and Ed was with Bob (our boss) making the rounds on the golf cart for quiet hour. I was in the trailer thinking about going to bed. I decided to close the door, so I stepped out and when I was in mid-air, I realized the steps weren't down. So, I did a side belly flop to the ground with a big thump! I laid there waiting for everyone to rush up to see if I was OK. No one came and I said "thank God no one saw me!" I contemplated just laying there because I didn't know if I could move, but then I thought I should at least try. So with alot of moaning I got up, closed the door and went in through the back door as casually as possible. When I got in I inventoried my injuries. I ended up with 2 bruised toes on 1 foot, the other is sprained and bruised. Also, a big bruise on my hip and my elbow jabbed into my ribs so they are bruised and very sore! Good thing I'm taking alot of calcium!! Now I get to recupperate from all that excitement! Luckily, you all can't here me whine. Well, that's it for now-we miss you all and wish you the best, Vicki & Ed

Hot air balloon rally

Well, after trying to remember how to get into blogger-which I couldn't do after a half hour-Ed did it in 5 minutes-here's how our weekend went. There were two rallies this weekend; hot air balloons and the Harleydavidson bike rally. We were packed here. Alot of really nice bikers in tents and kabins, and a big RV club called Red Rock Rovers, which contained a bunch of really old folks in huge class A RV's. The baloons took off at 6:30 a.m. Friday, Sat, and Sun. We made it up to see them twice. They do it early here because that's the only time you can count on no wind. On Saturday nite they had the Baloon Glow, where about 15 balloons were inflated in the middle of Main Street at dusk. Then they have the flames light up the balloons like light bulbs. it had a fair attitude with booths of foods and trinkets. We walked down town (about 3 blocks) with our KOA bosses and it was wonderful. to be continued.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Quilt Wallk Festival

Only in Panguitch, Utah could they have a quilt walk festival! This is a celebration of a major event in Panguitch history. This took place in 1864 when a group of 7 men took a perilous journey in the middle of winter because the town was running out of food. They were going 40 miles to Parowan with wagons to get more supplies. In their weakened state they struggled, sinking in the deep snow with every step. They abandoned their wagons and continued on. They were close to giving up so they spread out their quilts and knelt down and prayed. Then they noticed that they weren't sinking. So they completed their journey by laying out the quilts and walking across them, then retrieving them and repeating the process over and over again till they got to Parowan. So every year they celebrate this event the 2nd weekend in June with a festival. You can learn to Quilt, there is an art fair, pancake breakfast, cowboy shoot-off, parade and races. Unfortunately, I missed all this excitement because I was working. (darn it!) This made Fur Rondy look like the Worlds Fair!! On a personal note, we are doing great. We have been enjoying meeting all kinds of interesting people (you can't believe the OLD guys driving some huge rigs! We almost have to help them out! I miss everyone and hope all is going great for each one of you. I really enjoy your comments-keep them coming! Love, Vicki & Ed

Catching up on blogs

Hi there everyone! The Wifi here at this KOA has been almost non-existant so I haven't been able to get a whole blog in. I finally brought the computer to the office and plugged in. I'm going to do 2 blogs today to make up for last week. Last week we took a trip to Bullhead City to visit Ed's mom. We decided to go out of our way and go on Hoover Dam. That's a terrorist threat area and security is high. They are building a bridge over the Colorado River there and it has got to be beyond incredibly expensive. We had to go through a checkpoint to go on the dam. It was uneventful and time-consuming, but it will probably be the last time we can go on the dam. In this picture you can see the start of the bridge and a huge parking garage and in the right side a brand new visitor center (where are they getting all this money?) Also, there has been a draught going on here for several years and the water in Lake Mead is down around thirty feet. Bullhead City was hot at 100 degrees, but I'm getting used to sleeping naked on top of the covers with a fan blowing on me. Well, on to the next blog!

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Scenic Hwy 12 on motorcycle

This week on one of our days off we took a 330 mile motorcycle ride. It should have been a little shorter, but Ed thought we were going one way and I though another, so I gave him directions that after awhile he realized they weren't the way he wanted to go. So we had to do a little doubling back. Other than that it was an awesome ride! The picture of the map I inserted will give you all an idea of all the things there are to see here. Basicly, we went up hwy. 89 to 24 then down scenic 12.National Scenic 12 is an "All American Road". I is so beautiful that it is considered worth driving on even if ther was nothing else to see. We made alot of stops amd took a bunch of pictures of course. For lunch, we stopped at a federal campground with lots of huge pine trees and ate MRE's. For you civilians out there that's means "meals ready to eat". it's food soldiers live on when deployed to places where there is no food. They got alot of different stuff in them and they are fun to fix. Well, that's all for this week. The temperature's getting warmer here-low 80's in the daytime and 30's at nite. I bought a geranium plant to put on owr picnic table. I had to have a plant! I miss everyone and think about you often. Take care, Vicki & Ed p.s. remember to click on picture to make it big.