Saturday, August 25, 2007

A visit to Anchorage

Guess what? I made a surprise visit to Anchorage last week. For my birthday, Ed got a ticket for me using miles so I flew up on Saturday nite and came back on Thursday. I didn't get enough time to do alot of visiting, but I shocked my son (who had a panic attack because the house was a mess-which is putting it mildly) and that was fun. For any of you who don't know; Raymond is staying in our house and taking care of it for us. I spent my time playing Mom and Grandma and it was wonderful to be with my family, even for a little time.

I'm back in Utah now and its definitely starting to slow down here and its more relaxed. We are doing more sitting by the campfire and having friends over. Pretty soon it will be autumn and the leaves will be turning colors-another wonderful sight to behold. I miss everyone and hope you are all having happy lives. Bye for now-Vicki & Ed

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Here's where we camped. It is called Calf Creek State Campground. We had a great time here and we went on a 6 mile hike to a waterfall through some beautiful canyon country. I hope everyone is doing well and know that you are all in our thoughts. Bye for now, Love, Vicki & Ed

Another evil place we visited was called Hells Backbone. This was also a scenic backway (which means dirt road and you should have a high profile 4x4 vehicle). This road is 39 miles long and it used to be a mail route to Boulder. They built this bridge in 1935 for this reason over an area called Hells Backbone and its more incredible country.

Two Evil Places

We visited Esclante Staircase National Monument this week. One of the places we saw was the Devils Garden. It's on a scenic backway off of Scenic Hyway 12. There are so many unusual geological sights here that I don't know if we are going to see all of them this summer. It's going by way too fast.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Court of the Patriarchs

Here is the Zion pictures. Enjoy!

Our First Guests

Hi everyone! Well, we finally got to be tour guides this week. My mom and step-dad came to visit us this last Monday. It was great to see them and my mom had never seen this country so it was neat to take them around to all of the sights. We crammed in pretty much in 2 1/2 days. First, we went to Cedar Breaks and Brian Head ski resort. Then on Tuesday we took in Bryce Canyon National Park (where to my moms excitement, we saw some deer with a buck, and wild turkeys) Then we went to Kodachrome Basin. That's more of a desert with rock spires that are called Hoodoos. We also drove to the Hog Back on scenic route 12. that's a section of road built in 1930 for mail delivery. It cost 1 million dollars for 22 miles and a section goes on top of a ridge where you can see straight down over 1000 feet on both sides.

On Wednesday, we saw Zion National Park. The tall, sheer mountains and different formations were awesome. The tunnel connecting west and east Zion was an incredible work was engineering. It was started around 1920 and took 10 years to complete. they made shafts out the sides where they threw all the rubble. It goes a mile under a big mountain. If you close you can see one of the windows in the picture of the big red rock.

All in all, we had a great time and it went by too fast. So long for now, Vicki & Ed