Thursday, July 21, 2011

Donnelly Creek State Campground

Last week we made a camping loop. We started out at Byer's Lake campground by Denali then went to Fairbanks and next Donnelly Creek which is below Delta Junction. These are a couple of our favorite places and we wanted to make sure to visit them. It looks like next week we will start heading back to Arizona. Ed is in Homer with Gordon today (July 21) and tomorrow and this weekend they will take Gordon's boat out, which is a Sea Sport. They are going to fish for halibut and sight see. Cheryl (Gordon's wife) and I have plans to have some fun this weekend and get things ready for our trip back down. So that's it for now, Vicki

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Portage Glacier

We got lucky, the weather here was great. This place is either windy and rainy or nice-no in between. We had a wonderful time here and our next stop is Byer's Lake. Now we are in Fairbanks and then on south towards Anchorage tomorrow after a couple of campground stops along the way. So that's it for now. Love to all, Vicki and Ed

Friday, July 1, 2011

Our son Raymond

A couple of days ago, Raymond moved to Lansing, Michigan to be with his girlfriend Erin. My grandson is in Nebraska now, so I'm running out of reasons to visit here. Ed's kids have come to Arizona to see us and we are getting our house cleaned out so my brother and his wife won't need us around for anything either. I wish Alaska could be closer so we could be snow birds and come up here every summer. With this weather, it's making me not miss it so much though. June is supposed to be our best month here-what happened? Next week we head down to Cooper Landing to do some camping. And then we have to do more house stuff along with helping chop down some beetle kill trees at our friends house on the hillside. We're hoping to fish too. This summer is going by way too fast! That's all for now, Love to everyone, Vicki & Ed