Saturday, August 1, 2009


We had Bentley for a year and a half. He was Ed's mom's dog and she couldn't care for him, so we did. We had walks every morning and night (until it got too hot), we discovered he had an obsession for squeaky toys (he never had one before) and he liked to lay on your feet or as close as he could to you. He never begged or barked and he always made sure he had one of us in his sights. In our minds he was the best dog ever.

Last month he developed pneumonia and we discovered he had an enlarged heart. Being sick accelerated it and his heart was pushing on his trachea so he was always coughing and had a very hard time breathing. His heart also made liquids in his abdominal cavity and he felt full, so he never ate and went from 13 pounds to 10 in just a few weeks. We had to make the decision to put him to sleep. I don't think we ever had a more difficult one. So he's in doggie heaven now, and there's a big hole in our hearts. We miss him a lot. Ed and Vicki

1 comment:

Mom said...

swaka1Well, Princess, we are missing our little great-granddogie so much too. He was a precious addition to our family and gave us untold happiness and much joy! I can't believe I haven't visited your blog in SO long...shame on me! I might also say that we felt VERY priviliged to have been able to spend so much time with our little Ray when they were down visiting! What a terrific little guy he is and this Gramma is feeling blessed to have been able to spend precious bonding time with him.
I promise not to stay away so long next time and will peek in to see what new things are posted here.
I like to think that our little Bentley is snuggling up close to St. Francis, and waiting to greet us when we make our journey into the afterlife. Can just imagine him tearing out in greeting when he spots one of us, tail all wiggly and making his little talking sounds to tell us how much he has missed us....
Love you