Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Using ingenuity to finish drainig pool


hntr said...

Okies... That's pretty gross!! Better have the water checked for endangered species!! :oP

Mom said...

First of all....Jack thanks you for his birthday card! This pool is a terrible mess and looks to have been badly neglected for some time. Bet you are glad you won't be there for the re-doing of all that! The bathrooms on the other hand look absolutely wonderful! Don't have any idea how they looked to begin with, but they look very pretty now. Let's hope the visitors keep them looking this pretty. What a huge amount of work you guys have been doing up there. Your boss is going to hate to see you leave. How's the new, healthy foods diet going? I know you two will be great keeping with it and getting those pounds off that you want to. We miss you and were SO happy to see you last weekend! Love you tons...Mom