Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Using ingenuity to finish drainig pool

New vanities for our Campground

Well, it took us 2 months to redo the sinks in both restrooms. The top picture is the before and the bottom is the after one. We did the women's first. It took forever! The walls weren't straight-either was the floor! All the plumbing was from the dark ages and was different sizes. After at least 10 trips to the hardware store which is 70 miles one way and of course getting our days off, we finally finished. If you don't look close, it looks good-which is a miracle since we didn't know what we were doing.

Now we are working on the pool. It should be dug out and redone but that costs $54,000.00. So we are doing the cheaper version in which we do alot of the prep. A vinyl lining is going to be put in and new pavers around the outside. That's going to be around $27,000.00. We broke the tile up with hammers and are taking off the ladders and other stuff on it. We had to drain it with too small a hose on the sump pump so that took a week. Now Ed is pressure washing it and then he has to grind the rough spots. Thank God we won't be here when the lining arrives! That will be something for the new workkampers to have fun with.

Oh well, all in all, we've had alot of fun here and learned alot of practical things to help us in the future. So long for now, Vicki & Ed