Wednesday, January 2, 2008

My Christmas Vacation

I arrived in Anchorage a day after they got 4 inches of snow. Before that the grass was showing and my son was afraid it was going to be a brown Christmas. It snowed a few times while I was there, but just an inch or two each time, which was perfect. Of course the day after I arrived I got a terrible head cold and it lasted to just before I left. So needless to say I didn't venture out alot. I never made it to my old work, Village Inn, I just didn't feel up to it. I did get to spend alot with my son and grandson, and that made the trip great. As you can see, Little Raymond is growing up fast. His birthday was December 28th and he lets anyone and everyone know that he is now 4! That's all I'm going to write for now because this program is making it hard and my patience is running out. Ed and I wish everyone a Happy 2008!

1 comment:

Mom said...

How sweet our little angel looks! I absolutely loved the DVD you gave us yesterday when you and Ed came down for the family party. Little Ray is a treasure and was so funny playing his new guitar, putting on his puppet show behind the chair and giving his punching bag a workout! I will be watching that again a few times for sure.
It was wonderful that you were able to spend Christmas with the boys. And it was just great to see you guys yesterday! We did a head count and had 31 of the family here.
Hope we see you again soon! We love you so very much! Mom