Monday, April 30, 2007

Well, it's Monday, April 30th, and we're at Fort Nelson with the worst of the Alcan behind us. We went through a couple of short snow storms and saw alot of caribou and bison and alot of bumps and winding roads. And through it all the motorcycle didn't move, which was a miracle. In Fort Nelson we found a RV park (more like a parking lot) at the Bluebell Motel. At first they put us along side of the motel because we were too long for their spots. But we blew their circuit breaker with our big amperage so we had to move to a regular spot but we have to park at an angle. Oh well, life goes on! Here is a P.S. for all of you out there-Ed forgot to put everyones e-mail addresses in our laptop so we need you to send them to our regular e-mail address at So long for now, Vicki & Ed

Saturday, April 28, 2007

second day of the adventure

Well we took off at 5 am this morning from above Tok and we are in Haines Junction tonight at about 6 pm (now 7 pm). The road was horrible about 50miles from the border on the Alaska side and 50 miles of "shitty" road on the Canadian side. It took us 13 hours to travel 525 miles today. Of course we also had a giantic blowout on our right front tire in the middle of nowhere.I told Ed "I here a noise, what is it? Guess-tire flying everywhere! Ed expertly changed it and now we have no spare-oh boy! So keep your fingers crossed for us tommorrow with no spare till we find someone open and carrying our tire. The weather is beautiful here and we sat out and relaxed for awhile tonite. Also, I'm amazed we have internet here. Well, that's all for now, we will keep you updated when we can. Vicki and Ed

Friday, April 27, 2007

Hi everyone, we are just almost ready to go. I wanted to take time to thank all of my regular
customers at Village Inn Restaurant who made my job fun. You all mean alot to me and I hope
to keep in touch. When we get to Panguitch, Utah I will get back on here and let you know all
the details (hopefully their won't be too many!) Talk to you soon, Vicki and Ed

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Hi everyone! I'm just starting this blog. I'm sitting by the fire in the fireplace counting the days until the BIG day and trying to figure this out after having a couple of drinks. So far so good. That's all for now-bye.