Friday, July 27, 2012


This might of been the best vacation ever! Our grandsons Raymond and Dylan came to visit from Nebraska and we didn't stop having fun for a minute. First we drove to Carlsbad, California for 5 days of adventures starting with the ocean. The boys had never seen it or been in the ocean and we're ecstatic. Then the next day we went to Legoland. Raymond and Dylan collect legos (the intricate ones) and this was a dream come true. They also had several rides to go on, making for a wonderful day. The next day we went to Legoland Waterpark and it was perfect. The weather was in the 70's and the waterpark is made for grade school age kids so we didn't have to worry about them and could enjoy ourselves and spend the day in the water and on water slides. For the last day we went down to San Diego to Sea world. I'd been there as a kid and couldn't believe the changes. The shows were incredible and they had some fun rides too.

Back in Phoenix we recooperated while the kids spent time with Great Grands, who spoiled them rotten. They also got to spend 2 days with the other Great Grands (my parents are divorced and have both been remarried for years). We all went down to our friends (Gordon and Cheryl) home in Casa Grande and spent 3 days swimming and playing around and just enjoying being with our grandkids. We taught Raymond to swim and threw quarters in the pool for them to get.

They're back in Nebraska now and we're already thinking of what we could do next year. I miss them every day! Well, that's all for now, much love to all, Vicki