Friday, April 13, 2012

Time To Update!

Time definitely flys by! I don't even know where to start. First of all, I'm working again. This time at one of our golf courses as a starter. It's part time, minimum wage and free golf. It's been a couple of months and it's a fun job 99% of the time.

Next, our son Raymond came to live with us and lasted 3 months. He's now back in Anchorage and looking for a job. Keep your fingers crossed!

We've been going on 2 day trips when we can and the Grand Canyon was one of them. We've never hiked around some of the rim and really enjoyed doing it. We also went to Tucson and saw the Desert Sonoran Museum and Old Tucson movie studio. Our friends from Anchorage came down the end of March for Ed's 65th birthday and we spent several days with them at their new house in Casa Grande. They got a great price for it and then put in a pool. So we golfed, went to the Casa Grande Ruins and lazed around the pool.

Our winter here was incredibly awesome. There was only 4 days of frost and the rest were perfect! We've been really enjoying semi-retirement and doing little things to make our home more special.

So that's it. I'm sure I probably forgot something, but I know it was nothing earth-shattering. If anyone sees this, know that I think about how this all started and the friends I've made. Love to all, Vicki