Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Family Reunion

Where does the time go? I can't believe it's been two months since I've been on here. We had a wonderful reunion with the family on my Dad's side and I saw some relatives that I hadn't seen in 20 plus years. The best part was that we brought our son Raymond from Michigan and his son, Lil Ray along with his brother Dylan down from Nebraska for the reunion. It was over too fast and they're back home now and there's a little empty spot in my heart till next time.

I realized by writing this that my life is pretty settled now and there's not a lot of exciting things going on. Ed is working his part-time golf job and I have been doing yard work and fixing up the house and putting all of our pictures on the computer. I decided to do away with all the photo albums except the really old pictures and just have everything on discs and saved on hard drives. So what this boils down to is this is going to be my last post for awhile. I feel that a couple of times a year I'll get on here and write about what's up. If anyone still reads this, know that my love and good thoughts are with you and your families. Bye for now, Vicki