Thursday, January 28, 2010

Camping at Quartzite

Well, we've been busy lately. a few weeks ago we took our RV to Quartzite, AZ. It's a huge gathering place for RV's from around the country in the month of January. They have a big rock show and flea market there that attracts thousands of RVs. You can camp out in the desert for free and everyone does so. We had a great time and brought our motorcycle too. One day we took a 300 mile ride to Palm Springs and Joshua Tree National Park. It was the first time we tested our solar panel and it worked great. And of course we had to have a campfire in the evenings, that's part of the fun.
On the homefront, Ed had a surgical procedure done 2 weeks ago and has been out of work until tomorrow. And as some of you might have heard Sam's Clubs all over the country laid off all of their demo associates, which means me.They laid off over 10,000 people and are going with a contract company like Costco has. I put in a application with that company so we'll see what happens.
So that's it for now. I'll keep you posted on what's happening. Bye, Love, Vicki & Ed

Friday, January 22, 2010


Everyone has probably heard of the rain storms we got this week and is still raining.
Well, over 4 inches of rain might not be a big deal for some, but this is more than half of our
yearly average, so it was pretty impressive. These pictures are of the golf course
where Ed works. The pictures are of Trail Ridge's driving range (or should I say diving
range). I love the ducks swimming around. It doesn't take them long to find a new lake.
As every Arizonan would say-we needed the rain! It has been a draught here for several
years now and this will help fill the lakes and rivers, especially the ones associated with
the Colorado River, where we get a large portion of our water. That's all the excitement
for now. Love Vicki & Ed

Monday, January 11, 2010

Happy New Year from Arizona!

In SunCity West, Christmas is still a fun time for alot of the seniors here. They go all out and decorate their houses, just like they have been all their lives. On Christmas Eve, everyone gets in their cars and golf cars (like us) and drives around to see the lights. They also have lumanaries on the sidewalks in front of some houses. Those are white paper bags with sand and a candle inside. It's pretty neat, some streets have them all the way up and down.

We opened our presents on Christmas morning. Since Ed and I are working part time jobs, we each used our 'own' money and shopped for the other. I got Ed a Wii console with some games. Ed was super surprised and loves it. I also got him a golf shag bag. That holds a bunch of balls to practice with on the putting and chipping green. I received a new Schwinn bike. My other one was probably 15 years old and was not fun to ride anymore. It was a struggle. This one is awesome-now I need to get busy and ride! I also got a Ninja Blender. I demoed it and fell in love with the blender, so Ed surprised me with it.

I hope everyone's Holiday was full of love and happiness. Bye for now, Love, Vicki and Ed