Sunday, December 13, 2009


Happy holidays everyone! We don't have any snow yet, but you never know! Actually, we turned on the heater last week when it reached 67 degrees in the house and use it in the mornings and evenings. As you can see, we got the house all decked out in ornaments, and lights on the house and the palm trees we're standing by. Now we are just waiting for Santa to get here.

Last week we took a trip to Yuma and then over the border to Mexico to see what kind of prescription drugs we could get. I wanted some Clairinex for itching and ointment to send Raymond. It was amazing, every other building was a pharmacy or dentist or doctor. And they would all stand outside asking if you need dental work or medicines. Then we spent the night at the Marine Corp air station in Yuma. They have an inn there and right across the street was their shopping mall and down the street was the NCO club. So we had a fun time and then went back home the next day.

So, that's all for now. We hope anyone who reads this will have a wonderful Christmas and that 2010 is a year full of happiness and good things. We miss Alaska, especially our family there and hope someday we'll get back up to visit. Bye for now, Love, Vicki and Ed