Friday, September 25, 2009

A Little Bit of Nostalgia

This was taken when I was 19 years old by my first husband. I can't believe I ever looked that young! I scanned this and am going to print it and frame it for my son's birthday. This has always been his favorite picture of me.

On another note, we're going to Panguitch, Utah next week for 7 days and do some more sight-seeing that we've missed, and then bring down our 5th wheel for the winter so we can use it here. Hopefully, I'll have some interesting pictures to post. Well, bye for now and I hope everyone is doing well and are enjoying their lives. Love, Vicki & Ed

Touring Hoover Dam by Motorcycle

This is what the new Hoover Dam Bridge is looking like right now. We took a day trip there to see the progress. Not only are they doing the bridge, they are also adding 10 miles of new road (2 lane each way divided) and a couple of miles on the other side. The roads have numerous smaller bridges because this is not a flat surface. We had a good time and sweated off a few pounds since it's still hot down here. It is cooling off a little though. It's about 100 daytime and low 70's at night, which is really nice. And that's it for now, Vicki and Ed P.S. Make sure to enlarge the picture by clicking on it-it's very impressive!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

For All You "Guy" Guys

We went to Cabelas' Sporting goods store last week. This has to be one of the most impressive stores I've ever seen. Not only did they have every conceivable hunting, camping and fishing item ever made, there was areas filled with animals in their natural settings. In one alcove there was amazingly big elk, mule deer and mountain lions chasing them. Most of them were caught in Arizona and some were atypical along with typical and there were a few record ones. Another area had a little Africa setting with a lion, elephant (giant) rhinoceros and a couple of others. Then as you can see they had a huge mountain with all kinds of animals on it. Also a walk through aquarium and other birds, fish and more animals spread throughout the store. A country store was upstairs along with home items, all with the outdoor theme. And even furniture! Ed said we could have easily spent $10,000 there. They have so much neat stuff. There was a new pick-up inside with one of those truck tents on the back with camping gear spread out around it. All around the outside of the store was all kinds of boats and there were awesome tents assembled and stuck on the outside walls. I could go on forever, but you get the idea. All's I got to say that if you're ever in Phoenix and love the outdoors, go to Cabelas'. Bye for now, Vicki & Ed