I can't believe it's been since July that I've done a blog! It is really true that when you retire there's not enough time in the day to get everything finished that we plan to do each day. It has cooled down now at our home in SunCity, Arizona so we've been out in the yard doing some planting and trimming-there is ALOT of trimming!
Last month I finally got to go visit my son and grandson up in Anchorage. It had been almost a year since I'd been up there last. I had a great time and got alot of stuff organized in our home there. My brother and his wife live in our house now and they brought all their furniture. So between the two of us the 2 car garage was filled to the ceiling with boxes and a bedroom too. So Carla and I emptied half the garage and got the extra bedrooms cleaned out some and organized. I showed Carla how to build a fire in the fireplace which is a necessity as far as Carla and I were concerned!
My time with Little Raymond was wonderful. I got to have him several days and nights. We went to the movie Beverly Hills Chiquaua and we went bowling with his Dad, my son, Raymond and his girlfriend Amanda. The best part was a birthday party for my son at Chucky Cheese Pizza. My son thought it would be fun for little Ray to have some of his friends and it was a blast! I hadn't been there in 20 years and what a difference in games for the kids.
If anyone looks at this anymore, I just want to apologize for my lax in writing. I still can't believe it's been that long. I still think about you all at Village Inn and miss you. Have a fantastic Turkey Day! Much Love to all, Vicki & Ed