Saturday, May 3, 2008

Change in plans

Hi everyone! You know when they say "if it can go wrong, it will!" Well, we've had a BIG change of plans. Ed's moms' roommate moved out a couple of weeks ago. He expected to buy Mary's (Ed's mom) mobile home and Ed's brother Norm didn't want to sell. Ed, Norm and Mary are all on the title. Norm just recently found out that he was on it and he wants it for a winter retirement home. So Jerry got mad and moved out without warning. Needless to say, our whole life has been turned upside down.

What makes it even more interesting is we are getting ready to buy a house in SunCity West, AZ. The closing is May 13th and then we all go to Panguitch, Utah. We already committed ourselves to work at the KOA there, so Mary is going to be with us. If she doesn't like it or can't handle it, Ed will bring her back to Bullhead City and stay with her. I will stay up there and work and come down to visit.

As you can see from the picture we also have a dog in our lives now. This is Bentley, and he's Mary's dog. I take him for walks and he wants to be petted all the time (typical dog!)

That's it for now-thank God! Take care everyone, Vicki & Ed