Thursday, December 6, 2007

Arizona's Petrified Forrest National Park

We traveled to The Petrified National Forrest this week. We went there several years ago, but we wanted to spend more time seeing everything. Of course when we arrived the weather was windy and cold. So that meant (wimps that we are) we didn't see much and promised we would come back in the spring. It is still a fascinating place to visit. As with all National Parks, you drive along in perfectly normal country, then all of the sudden scenery so different and incredible pops up that you're speechless. The way petrified trees were formed 225 million years ago here was the whole area was a floodplain. Big trees got washed there and then over time silt buried them and different minerals in the silt gave the trees their color. Then they eventually became exposed as weather patterns changed.

Next week I'll be going to Alaska to spend Christmas with my son and grandson. Ed will be with his mom. I won't have a computer up there so I will tell all of my friends and family Merry Christmas and hoping everyone has a wonderful 2008! Bye for now, Vicki & Ed